This project is currently in development. Everything is subject to change and any non-obvious feedback is appreciated!

* This game is mobile-friendly and is designed with the phone in mind! *

How To Play

Select a level using your finger or mouse.

Tap and Drag using your finger or mouse to move orbs around the puzzle board. Release to finish the move and score matches. Matches reward you with their respective flavors.

Collect enough flavors to create a dish. Each match adds to the counter for all dishes at once.

Dishes are auto-served on a first-come first-served basis at the end of the turn and any extra is removed.

New customers will shuffle in as turns progress. This test level has 5 customers.

Serve them all to win! There is no end screen, so just give yourself a pat on the back when you serve all 5 customers.

Thanks for playing! Any feedback is appreciated here in the comments.